Nestled along a remote shoreline on British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast, the Backeddy Resort and Marina offers glamping in 16 ft.[…] Read More...Read more
5 Star Dome Glamping Situated on picturesque Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick, Canada, this 30-ft. (9m) diameter geodesic dome[…] Read More...Read more
Arctic Hive is North America’s northern most yoga dome school, completely off the grid, and located in the breathtaking Brooks[…] Read More...Read more
“A 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat in a Vaastu Meditation Dome is a transformative experience.”Pacific Domes Vipassana Meditation is one of[…] Read More...Read more
Portable Geodesic-engineered Domes for Events by Pacific Domes “Bringing you years of Industry Expertise in VR Dome Environments for Event[…] Read More...Read more
“An inner-transformation happens when one steps out of the mundane and embraces Nature.” ― Pacific Domes Located on 60-acres at[…] Read More...Read more