“The Energetic Qualities of Domes have their roots in Ancient Building Practices” — Pacific Domes
Harmonic architecture is a philosophy of organic architecture which promotes harmony between Nature’s incredible architecture and our human habitations. Harmonic architecture stems from a reverence for the inter-connectedness with our natural world and champions the understanding that the human psyche cannot thrive when disconnected from its natural world.
Organic design approaches can be found in the study of ancient sacred geometry principles, where dwellings and surroundings become a unified, interrelated composition. Today, more and more people are re-discovering health and healing through the energetic qualities of domes.
Research conducted by a team of architects and neuroscientists strongly suggests that harmonic architecture may indeed have measurable effects in promoting more positive mental states. The study of Resonance Science supports the environmental influence of shapes – demonstrating that human brain patterns are notably different in frequencies of harmonic architecture when weighed against dissonant environments, i.e. box-like concrete jungle settings.

Immersive Meditation Spaces – Sound-Light Meditation Dome Studios
To this end, Pacific Domes Sound-Light Meditation Dome studios become an integral part of creating a natural healing environment. Synchronized to the frequencies of Universal Energy and encouraging total relaxation, Sound-Light Meditation Domes vibrate with cosmic energy – one experiences a sense of wholeness in a Vaastu Sound-light Meditation Dome.

Pacific Domes supports the work of Don Estes, InnerSense, Inc., and Harmonic Resolution Therapy™ (HRT™), to bring you the Sound-Light Healing and Meditation Dome Studio. HRT™ therapy utilizes sound, light and color to induce deeper states of self-awareness, thus triggering the body’s innate capacity to selfheal.
Transforming our world begins first, with one’s own self-healing journey. Merging Vaastu geometry with powerful (HRT™) technology, portable dome meditation studios generate powerful higher frequencies for transformational healing.
Yoga Domes and Sound-Light Meditation Domes are popular for healing centers, retreat centers and on-the-road tours. Transform your world today and watch how this will have a magical ripple effect in transforming the entire planet!