Nature Smart Education in the Geodome Greenhouse
Teaching Kids to be Nature Smart
Before the age of the digital classroom, children were eager to explore their natural world. Virtual classroom learning has changed all that, however Nature Smart education offers educators and students the opportunity to explore the vastness of our natural world through hands-on outdoor education, experiences and play.
If humanity hopes to have a sustainable future, it’s now more critical than ever to get involved in nature-enhanced educational programs that strike a balance between the world of technology and the natural world that sustains us. A Geodome Greenhouse Eco-Classroom introduces an innovative way to influence curious young minds.

Within the wide spectrum of sustainability education, the Geodome Greenhouse Eco-Classroom fosters a culture of Nature Smart children that are equipped with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to move into a bright future in harmony with earth’s delicate ecosystem. Outdoor classroom learning prepares children to find solutions and make informed decisions regarding some of today’s most pressing challenges – such as, loss of biodiversity, climate change and environmental degradation, to name just a few.

Children are the hope of the future. Born naturalists, children are the most powerful form of sustainable energy we have and should have the opportunity to connect with nature – in their schools, as well as, with their families.
Benefits of a Geodome Greenhouse Eco-Classroom:
- Outdoor classrooms support the mounting evidence that natural sunlight and outdoor activities increase memory and learning capacity by up to 20%. Studies have shown that those who spend time in outdoor activities have better brain function, living healthier, happier and more balanced lives.
- Filtered 360° natural sunlight, provides children of all ages the opportunity to explore and learn sustainability education, inviting a child’s innate curiosity to explore and connect first-hand with earth’s diverse eco-system.
- Unnatural biofield suppression caused by indoor lighting, as well as technological devices, is on the rise in schools. Children exposed to natural sunlight, experience a positive rebalancing of their biofields… especially, beneficial to children with autism.
- Nature Smart integrative learning in outdoor greenhouse classrooms provides children of all ages the opportunity to explore and learn in ways that encourage interaction with their natural environment. Children are more apt to engage and deepen their understanding by association through practical hands-on learning.
- Along with added health benefits and improved learning, sustainability education in the outdoor greenhouse classroom provides a powerful platform to teach young minds bio-diversity and respect for the planet we call home. Supporting children’s natural curiosity to learn about the natural world, prevents nature-deficit disorder from technology overload.
We have only recently begun to take notice of the many benefits derived by relocating facets of traditional indoor learning to natural sunlit greenhouse classroom environments. Such news is timely because a significant and unprecedented amount of public funding is being made available to reopen schools post-Covid closures.
Additionally, this news is, also, timely because of the huge emphasis on S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and math). The ‘solution’ for S.T.E.M. education involves outdoor learning in nature centers and other nature-enhanced environments.

In the wonderful world of the eco-classroom, playground domes are the perfect complement to a greenhouse. Schoolyard playground domes become a fun-filled hub for hands-on, minds-on Nature Smart enrichment programs.
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