How To Set Up A Glamping Resort in Mexico PART 2/4
Want To Live On Your Very Own Mexican Eco Resort?
Welcome to the Mexican Eco Resort freedom-lifestyle where magic happens for those who dare to dream big. Imagine living near the waters-edge of a tropical beachside, a pristine lake or preserve – offering visitors a memorable glamping eco-hospitality stay that they’ll rave about for years to come.
As a glamping entrepreneur, investing in a Mexican eco resort has the power to further your dream of a freedom-lifestyle by turning your paradise into a unique and rewarding glamping stay for travelers seeking an out-of-the-ordinary experience!

Right about now, you might be asking yourself, “Why settle for anything less than my dream, living the life of a blissful semi-retiree on my very own slice of paradise? You might be getting a little excited about the prospect that there’s never been a more opportune time to invest your efforts and money in ecotourism hospitality?
Locating Your Ideal Building Site
By now, you’ve caught the vision and arrived at the thrilling conclusion that the glamping industry is HOT. You’ve already taken the first step and found yourself a reputable professional real estate agent to guide you on your journey. Now comes the fun part – discovering the perfect spot for your Mexico eco resort.
On the whole, the real estate market in Mexico is strong and on the rise. So no matter where you stake your claim, your property has value that will continue to mature with time.
Larger vistas give way to greater feelings of romance and freedom, inspiring longer stays, more return visitors, and more expansive heart-opening moments for your guests whose souls are longing for that close-to-the-Earth feeling. Proximity to some unique attraction — ancient ruins, a working farm, a jungle village, etc. — helps bolster the tourist value of your property.

Mexico is, of course, known for its beaches… and securing beachfront property is an excellent way to attract tourists. Although the government relegated Mexico’s coastline into a so-called “restricted zone,” foreigners can still purchase beachfront properties inside these restricted areas by means of a fidiscimo (bank escrow). Simply put, land that is within 31 miles of the coastline or 62 miles from the border will need to be purchased via a trust through a Mexican bank. The bank will hold the deed for you, and you will be the beneficiary of the trust. With a lawyer and notary on your side, owning beachfront property is fully legal and within your reach. You are limited only by the market and your own liquid capital.
If you’ve found beachfront property, keep in mind these key points:
To avoid the problem of beachfront erosion that famously has destroyed Cancun’s hotel zone, look for land at a high elevation above sea level — the higher the better. If the land is on the receiving end of a storm channel, seek out at least 7 feet of elevation. You don’t want your piece of paradise disappearing into the ocean over time.
Consider that debris you see on the beach may imply an optimal location for your building site. Although pristine sand free of trash and debris seems ideal, chew on this: If Mother Nature can clean the land, she can consume the land. Look for natural debris – the more the better. This indicates that the forces of nature are on your side, and the jaws of the erosion monster aren’t open beneath you.
If you find a property that also has a major wetland or mangrove area behind it, buy all you can afford. Not only do wetlands limit future development (keeping your sanctuary relatively isolated and maintaining that closeness-to-nature as the years progress), they also, provide an expansive natural habitat for plants and animals. In addition to cleaning and fertilizing the underground waters that flow beneath your property, they also provide nutrients for reef systems to flourish. This is equivalent to purchasing a piece of the Garden of Eden.

Jungle properties with lush growth to explore, majestic woodlands, rocky cliffs to hike, tropical groves… you can find your heart in any of these places. Wherever you can be close to nature and lose yourself in stunning vistas, you’ll find a potential location for your Mexico eco resort.
Many affordable lots are out in the middle of nowhere, so keep in mind your property’s proximity to an international airport. Ideally you should not be too far from a small town with a simple restaurant or general store, so you don’t have to drive an hour to pick up simple necessities.
Once you’ve found your little slice of heaven, it’s time to negotiate the sales price. Make sure all offers and counteroffers are provided in writing! Once you’ve reached an agreement on price, it is typical that a deposit of 5 to 10% is paid to the buyer. You then obtain a permit from the foreign secretary’s office and the seller provides the land deed. Be sure to have a lawyer review this deed for any potential problems before it is transferred into your name (or a bank trust) and you pay the remainder of the money. The process typically takes 2-3 months.
Once this is completed, you are ready to outfit your Mexico eco resort with unforgettable structures designed to appeal to the eye and lift the spirit while simultaneously withstanding nature’s extremes.
Still excited? Continue reading to Part-3.