Ecovillages: Their Positive Impact on Society

“Intentional Communities Create Better Lives.” ― Intentional Today, thousands of ecovillages model deliberate solutions for responsible earth stewardship. As earth faces a 6th mass extinction event, ecovillages offer proactive approaches to help restore and foster the delicate balance of earth’s ecosystems – so, we, humans can continue to thrive – not just survive. What, exactly, is the definition of an Ecovillage? In 1991, Robert C. Gillman wrote “The Eco-village Challenge”, which gave us an excellent ecovillage blueprint. Considered by many to be the standard, this template deserves to be a poster-child for general well-being, which is, after all, what we earthlings innately desire.
Pacific Domes - Telaithrion Project
Telaithrion Free & Real Project is creating an Ecovillage situated on the island of Mt. Telaithrion, Greece.
There are many thriving ecovillage communities that stand as pillars of sustainability worldwide. The tiny Icelandic ecovillage of Solheimar has withstood the test of time for more than 85-years in 1997 it was proclaimed the first sustainable hamlet by the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN).

Ecovillages focus on the goal of general wellbeing

“It’s time we focused, not just on the GDP, but on the GWB – general wellbeing.” ― British Prime Minister David Cameron
Intentional Communities Magazine - Spring 2019
Spring 2019 – Intentional Communities Magazine
Enhancing the quality of people’s lives is the ultimate goal of nearly every ecovillage. In the pursuit of happiness and general wellbeing (GWB), Ecovillages began to emerge circa mid-1960’s with the Communal Movement and Back-to-the-land Movement. General wellbeing may, perhaps, have been poorly understood and underserved in those early commune days by small communities or ecovillages.  The good news is, that after more than a half-century of testing, ecovillages have evolved to bring us timely solutions to pressing global challenges. In support of pathways towards realizing the vision of GWB, the mission of The Foundation for Intentional Communities is to promote and link a network of 1000+ intentional communities worldwide.
yoga dome, eco village, stewardship
The yoga dome has the best views at Telaithrion

Join a Planetary Call to Action

The Annual NewEarth Festival in Bali June 19-25, 2019 invites a rebirth of mind, body and spirit. It’s not-only a celebration of art, beauty and conscious living, but, a planetary call-to-action for critical issues facing people and planet  whilst, deliberating on radical solutions. The 7-day celebration will be held at New Earth Haven, in Bali. New Earth Haven is connected to the New Earth Project ecovillage network . The important 3-day World Health Sovereignty Summit will feature a lineup of distinguished international speakers and experts in their fields it will be attended by Indonesian Royalty and multi-faith leadership all of whom share a unified vision for a world beyond conflicts, economic slavery and desecration of humankind and the environment. Culminating in a historic 2-day seating of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, the Judicial Commission Inquiry into Weaponization of the Biosphere invites all people to challenge special interests and outworn policies that no longer serve the greater good. It’s a planetary call-to-action to come together in peaceful co-existence to co-create a new reality based on natural law. NewEarth Festival June 19-25, 2019 (3:15 min)
Pacific Domes USA, the original dome manufacturer has been pioneering the concept of sustainable ecovillages since 1980. Visit Pacific Domes to learn more about how you can become part of the solution.