“It is largely dyssynchronous timing standards that have kept humans off-balance and alienated from the natural cycles of the Earth they inhabit. The worst culprit is the Gregorian calendar, and by extension the “12:60 frequency” it fosters – together these have become the inescapable time clock of globalist capitalism.”

The brainchild of Dr. José Argüelles, Crest 13 is an organization of world-wide communities built around the creation of 13 or more Geodome villages. These communities are meant to serve as a starting point for a scientific approach to living sustainably, in unison with the earth and in resonance with your global community.
The aim of Crest 13 communities is to explore the principles of planetary engineering in relation to the biosphere-noosphere transition. This is supposed to mark the point in time when the consciousness of the planet goes from unconscious to cosmically conscious.
The physical locations are meant to serve as a “home-base” for the crafting of solutions to global problems. It is believed that the Earth contains fields of cosmic intelligence and that by incorporating the energetic qualities of geodesic domes into the blueprint of their design, the energetic field is enhanced. Their proposed site-map was developed with geodesic domes in a mandala formation as the foundation for their future communities.

So far, there are 8 active sites in place. These locations are in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Russia and Uruguay. The other 9 proposed sites are set to be constructed in Australia, Bolivia, India, Japan, Kenya, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States and Zambia.
Pacific Domes is proud to work on the forefront of developing sustainable EcoVillages and Intentional Micro Communities bringing community together with our Geodesic Domes. Our glamping domes help communities generate revenue, our greenhouse domes produce food ‒ everyone in the shire can live in our dome homes and celebrate community gatherings in our event domes! We are excited to work with Crest 13 galvanized communities to bring geodesic domes to the Crest 13 Centers around the world.