Shelter Dome Emergency Kits

I am excited to announce that we finally have a “Home”!
Although you will find me and my Domes4Homes content on numerous platforms, I have lacked a home for my content until now.
I have partnered with Pacific Domes and will have a presence on their beautiful website, where I can attract fans and supporters. Additionally, Pacific Domes has agreed to match every dollar I spend on domes. My pledge is to donate 50% of the proceeds from Domes4Homes products to Pacific Domes to manufacture and distribute shelter dome emergency kits to displaced humans.
This is a venture / philanthropy initiative. Domes4Homes is not a nonprofit. It is an LLC with the intention of making money to support the change I want to see in the world. Pacific Domes has been a benevolent giver to disaster zones for decades. I want to be a significant financial funnel for this important work.
Pacific Domes is a solid, well established company with a global reach and I am a gal obsessed with domes and getting people housed. I am prepared to use my big personality, my book, my story and my harp to attract supporters and dollars. It is a perfect marriage.
Why domes?

So glad you asked. It started when I was ten years old and vacationing with my family at a ritzy resort in Indiana in 1967. There was a huge glass dome over the swimming pool that rolled open so you could be under the sun during the day and rolled shut at night for warmth. I could see it out of our hotel window. It was like a giant unicorn on the lawn.
Those five days were life changing for me. I met my first black person in my white privileged life and won an art contest alongside my mother who won in her division. Suffice it to say that it was a memorable week – one of the few memories and photos that survived my abusive childhood.
The dome memory was barely there until 35 years later. My partner at the time was a master gardener who fashioned Eden-type gardens that were pure magic. We built three amazing round gardens for the Albertina Kerr Center – the largest nonprofit in Oregon working with abused children.

I started building a business plan for a teaching center that revolved around the Eden-type food that had saved my life (Read about it in Eating My Way to Heaven). I decided we needed a lid for our round gardens so we could farm year round. It was during that time of my life that I was introduced to Pacific Domes and became aware of Asha Deliverance, who dreamed, sewed and built the first fabric dome company on the planet.
With Asha’s help I acquired a 16’ greenhouse dome years later. At that time I started a business raising funds to supply domes to food banks so they could grow their own food. My partner, Patrick McEachern, filled the dome with magical foods on our small urban property. Although the business didn’t make it, that dome full of food saved my life when cancer came knocking. (Another story for another time.)
I have been absolutely obsessed with domes ever since. Research shows that nature is spherical on a nano and macro level. But you can just feel it. Domes have special energy and the domes we are focused on for disaster victims have other added perks.
The emergency shelter dome kits can fit in an SUV and go up in a day with only a socket wrench. When our survivors figure out where they will land after the crisis they can move the dome and then build it out into a beautiful permanent tiny home.
If we had been blessed with a warehouse full of shelter domes when the Maui fire wiped out a whole community for instance, we could have sent a cargo plane full of dome kits and set up a new village in days. 6000 are still homeless in Maui. The plan is to be prepared for such immediate and devastating events.
There are 1.6 billion people on this planet without adequate housing or any at all. How and who we serve first is going to take some thought and planning but in the meantime we need money to get busy producing domes.
Instead of just asking people to give, I am selling a collection of health products that I used and still use to maintain pristine health at 67. 50% of the proceeds from those purchases will go to Pacific Domes.
In my Amazon Influencer store. You will find ebook copies of my autobiography Eating My Way to Heaven. A second printing of soft copies of Eating My Way to Heaven is coming and you will be able to preorder soon.
If you want something really fun and affordable I give you Tones4Domes. I have recorded a collection of harp ringtones you can purchase for a dollar a piece. Everything from pop, country, Sinatra, Elvis, Disney. It’s so cool to have your phone or alarm entertain you instead of intruding in your day.
To sample the ringtone, click the link in the description. It will take you to YouTube where you will hear the tone while watching a one minute video about the shelter domes. The link in the video description will take you back to Payhip-Domes4Homes to purchase the ringtone and download immediately. A buck for a tone and a hand up to a displaced community.
There is so much more to tell and many fun stories to share. So stayed tuned to this space and go grab a ringtone.
Love you guys! – Denise Martin, Lexington, KY
Author – Eating My Way to Heaven
Harpist – Advocate for the homeless
Creator of Domes 4 Homes & Tones4Domes
U Matter!