Yakima Bike Race Sports Dome

Geodesic Thunder Dome Builders Pacific Domes manufactured a Geodome Event Dome Structure for this Yakima sponsored bike race. Pacific Domes, leading builders of Sporting Dome Tents for Clients like Nike, Adidas, PowerBar and several other big fish in the Sports Marketing / Event Marketing space, manufacturers Custom Event Tents and Geodesic Structures for outdoor festivals. The higher you climb, the more you’ll see! Spectators cover a 44′ Pacific Dome Event Dome frame for a better view of cyclers racing through the mud after a May rain in Portland, Oregon. Flying down amazing tracks, with jumps and drops, the bicyclists race culminates after they whirl through the dome. Muddy and invigorated they rinse off in a hose and grab a hot beverage to warm up. The winner receives a Yakima bike rack and everyone cheers! Yakima Bike Race Sports Dome - event dome tents for sale Pacific Domes geodesic event domes for sporting events