“Because of its aerodynamic structure, a geodesic dome can withstand hurricane-force winds better than any other portable structure.” ― Pacific Domes, Inc.
With an
above normal hurricane season predicted, deployable
emergency response base camps are much in demand by FEMA and other specialized disaster coordinating agencies. Rapidly deployable geodesic-engineered dome kits by Pacific Domes, USA, are the ultimate solution for remote areas anywhere on the planet!
Domes have been built all around the world in every temperature and climate imaginable. Geodesic domes have proven to be the most efficient human shelter one can find because air and energy circulate unobstructed, thus enabling heating and cooling to occur naturally.
Disaster Relief Geodome Shelter Base Camps
Leading the way forward with the finest geodome tents in the industry, Pacific Domes takes
disaster preparedness seriously. Portable geodome tent kits for disaster preparedness base camp operations, emergency relief efforts, portable tent cities and refugee camps are engineered to withstand harsh extremes during all types of natural earth changes and tragic man-made events.

Domes are suited to all types of terrains and can be found at many remote locations because they are fully deployable, portable and easy to set up. The fact that these are temporary shelters means they can be easily transported to the location, and just as easily taken down when they are no longer needed.
The geometry of a dome’s interior atmosphere offers limitless possibilities for design. The open spherical design encloses the largest volume of interior space with the least amount of surface area ensuring a light footprint. When the dome’s diameter is doubled it will quadruple its square footage and produce eight times the volume, thus saving on materials and cost.
Finest Medical Service Tents for Base Camp Operations
Following the storms of this past century, Disaster Preparedness is now taken more seriously by communities throughout the World. When it comes to providing first responders with a quick and economical solution for staging emergency services, portable first-aid shelters are high on the priority list.
Portable tent emergency hospitals are a high priority in any disaster relief effort! Geodesic domes are the perfect structure for many relief functions and lend themselves well to innovative layouts, providing economical housing and useful spaces for medical treatment and other facilities.
Base Camp Emergency Preparedness plans begin with erecting rapidly deployable free-standing medical tents amidst the chaos.
Multiple Use Base Camp Shelters
The next step in creating infrastructure order from chaos is the immediacy for humanitarian housing, food & water storage and waste disposal. Portable dome ecoliving villages are the perfect solution when it comes to providing temporary centers for meetings, training, social activities and schools… as well as portable shelters for sanitation, plumbing and electricity.
Durable UV resistant, flame-proof, waterproof dome covers naturally illuminate the interior atmosphere. The tensile strength fabric covers are available in a variety of colors with accessories and options to choose from, including bay windows, skylight roofs, connecting tunnels and round doors. Translucent covers may be customized depending on need and usage.
Various types of flooring can be installed in domes to provide a comfortable environment for every function. Multiple domes may even be connected to create a whole dome complex.
Empowering community volunteers and sparking the spirit of ‘contributionism’, Pacific Domes brings over thirty-five years of industry expertise in organizing donated dome shelters for various relief efforts.
Domes combine the geometry of design genius R. Buckminster Fuller with the engineering strength of steel frames to handle extreme wind and snow loads, and they can be erected in hours with a hand ratchet. The frame accommodates heating and cooling systems and supports most lighting and sound equipment.
There are continuous reports of the geodesic dome being the only structure left standing after a hurricane. As hurricanes continue to devastate many coastal communities, Pacific Domes encourages the world to remember that geodesic domes are the strongests structure known to man… aerodynamic and hurricane proof!