Pacific Domes Birthday Tribute to Asha

Asha DeliverancePacific Domes Birthday Tribute to Asha Deliverance Every July, Pacific Domes celebrates the birthdays of two larger-than-life visionaries: father of the modern geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller, and Pacific Domes founder, Asha Deliverance.

Globally recognized as the mother of MAX Train Hero Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, Deliverance — a tall, mystical looking woman with kind yet discerning eyes and an elegant posture, always robed in flowing colors — has long been revered as a mother, teacher, entrepreneur, public figure and humanitarian. A powerful woman who reached her station in life by never taking no for an answer and giving service without question, she is an expert in the realm of sacred geometry and a pioneer in Geodesic Dome building, both of which she has brought to life through Pacific Domes, a company she founded in her youth and has captained for almost 40 years.

Mother of All
Deliverance leans in and embraces a woman who approached her at the May 27, 2017, vigil for MAX Train Hero Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, Deliverance’s son
Founded in 1980, Pacific Domes pioneered the portable geodesic dome — and now almost four decades later, it is a global leader in the U.S. based manufacture of geodesic-engineered structures. Following in the footsteps of Buckminster Fuller, who believed that the world must work for 100% of humanity, Pacific Domes stands as a vanguard of the ideology that world-betterment and sustainable futuristic living are possible when one puts service to others above service to self.  Click here to read about Pacific Domes Relief work. Deliverance once said that in the beginning, every dome she sewed and constructed by hand was blessed with her songs and prayers as she created it. Some of these domes are still standing as homes 38 years later. Her desire to create a product that is superior in strength and efficiently has bloomed into a booming industry. Here at Pacific Domes, we are very grateful for Asha and all she’s done to support us and all beings on Earth.
Asha sewing domes
Every dome Asha sewed and created by hand was blessed with her songs and prayers as she created it
For those in the know, Mama Asha (as she is affectionately called) is a figure of almost mythic proportions. It’s not possible to stroll through the quaint and picturesque town of Ashland, Oregon — home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland Goddess Temple, and yes, Pacific Domes, Inc. — without running into someone whose life has been somehow touched and changed for the better by Deliverance. Conjured by an entrepreneurial magician of the highest caliber, her brainchild, Pacific Domes, has provided countless jobs to the local community over the years and currently provides for 40 employees.
Company Photo - Pacific Domes
Company photos at the dome office, Asha is wearing white on the middle left side
One of the big differences between Pacific Domes, a luxury brand, and its competitors is the living wage provided to all employees. The company is like a close-knit family unit, celebrating each others birthdays, joining in each other’s joys and sorrows, and even running little errands for each other when needed. “There’s a true sense of community here,” explains Jennifer Lynn Hall-Brooks, a former sales associate for the domes who now runs the marketing department. With shared values and a desire to create a sustainable future, employees of Pacific Domes help Asha carry the torch of Buckminster Fuller’s genius into the new millennium. It’s All About Family for Mama Asha The concept of family is hardly new to Deliverance. First and foremost, she is a mother to seven exceptional children (six on the Earth-plane and one in heaven), who have all gone on to become bright luminaries in their own right.
Asha's Family
All of Asha’s children plus daughter-in-law. Top row, from left: Indeara, Christopher, Erin, Asha, Aurora, Elias. Bottom row, from left: Vajra, Kriya, Taliesin.
As a life-long student and advocate of Buckminster Fuller’s architectural design principles, Deliverance actively studies and teaches the physics and principles behind the ancient Vedic science of sacred geometry. Now universally acknowledged by mainstream science, Vastu Shastra (the science of creation) and the Unified Field Theory are gaining recognition as templates for understanding our connection to the cosmos. While in Ashland, Deliverance has practiced and taught Kundalini yoga and spiritual healing. As an emissary of the Resonance Project (current day physics of Nassim Haramein), she is a frequent guest speaker at live expos and radio programs, correlating and coalescing cutting-edge ideas into action. Among her many accolades, she taught and practiced midwifery for 20 years and is also a patron saint of the We Choose Love movement.
Asha's Family
Asha and family members
Voices of Love for Mama Asha “It has been such a blessing over the last 12 years to work with Asha and Pacific Domes. She not only encourages people to be their best selves, but also inspires people to follow their dreams and is often going out of her way to help make it happen. She sees the potential in everyone – no matter who they are, what they look like, or what their past or background is. A true Mama Bear. The individuals who work here are the most diverse, passionate and dedicated people I know. I am so grateful to work with Asha and the amazing family she created that makes up the Pacific Domes Team. We are all so lucky. With love and respect to her, on her birthday and always.” —Suzy Taylor “I am continually awed by the life and poetically unfolding legacy of this forward thinking and inspirational woman. It is a privilege to be a part of the Pacific Domes family and I am honored to call Asha my friend. She is a living symbol of love that endures, of family, ingenuity and the quest for knowledge and universal truth. Her passion for bringing heaven to earth each and every day through her actions and interactions is an inspiration, and I am so grateful to be a part of the magic!” —Christine Anderson
Asha's Family
Asha with 4 of 7 children and other family
“Asha, your passion and drive has taught me more in the past few years than I could ever put into words. I have grown as a person since you have taken me into your family which is the team at Pacific Domes. The unity I feel when I am with this family has been a shining light on my entire world and I cannot thank you enough for bringing me on board.” —Robert Horsey “She is the most hardcore lady I know.” —Tim Rios “There is a saying ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’ Asha is making many lives better because she is a cheerful giver and a great philanthropist.” —Dara Abiona “Asha has a presence that awakens those in her surroundings, with a Burst of Love, Light, total Acceptance and Peace. She is quite the inspiration as a Mother, Business Woman, beautiful Goddess and Soul.” —Blaire Lockett “Together we came up with the slogan ‘Domes are not for squares, they are for well rounded people.’ Asha has been my greatest influence. And mentor. Not to mention a really wonderful friend.” —Jennifer Hans “It has been an absolute pleasure working with Asha for the past 15 years. We have accomplished a lot together (the entire PD Team) to make this company what it is today – the greatest Geodesic Dome company on the planet. God bless you and Happy Birthday!” —Keith C. Victorino “Asha has such a welcoming spirit. She is my sister in law and always makes me feel like a sister! Our lucky day, the day you were born!”—Melanie van Olphen “It’s one thing to care, it’s another actually to be able to help, and Asha does both: She is a delightful human being and an inspiring example for all who meet her and get to know her. I am proud to be working in the Production Department of Pacific Domes and providing housing and event-spaces for our clients. Please, send us photos of your Pacific Domes! It’s always gratifying to see them set up!”—Jerit Adamson Fourman “I’m sure you realize you have given birth to a now ascended master. When Koa met Taliesin at heaven’s gate, there was a great gathering of Masters as he joined their ranks. I am moved and inspired by his light. In fact I fanned myself with ‘The Bard’s Story’ so that I could bathe in the blessings of his life and more. Love you Asha.”—John Andrew Markham “Forever inspired by your effectiveness, radiance and grace.”—Jan Darwin Hutchins HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM PACIFIC DOMES, ASHA