Green Architecture ― Biophilic Design: Creating Resilient Communities

Those who are inspired by a model other than nature, a mistress above all masters, are laboring in vain.” ― Leonardo da Vinci In this technology driven digital age, modern urban planners often overlook the basic human need to integrate Nature into our environment, thereby alienating us from the many life-enhancing benefits that natural surroundings bring. Green architecture and Biophilic Design seek to bring Nature back through sustainable ecoliving practices. By definition, green architecture focuses on the use of low-impact natural building materials to minimize toxic side-effects on human health and the environment. Coined as ‘The Spirit of Place,’ the architectural philosophy of Biophilic Design reintroduces Nature as a holistic approach that positively impacts our overall health and well-being.
green architecture, biophilic design, nature-scapes
Domes fall into the category of green architecture because construction requires minimal materials and has low impact on the surrounding environment
Back to Nature with Green Architecture & Biophilic Design!When we hold powerful connections to place, the typical boundary between environment and self begins to blur, resulting in an acute feeling of wholeness, community and vitality.” ― Kristen Moree, Bio-Logical Capital Stemming from the grassroots environmental movement, Green Architecture and Biophilic Design have come a long way in raising public awareness of the need for organic, energy-efficient structures immersed in natural environs. Remarkably, studies have proven that by integrating this ‘Back to Nature’ attitude into our daily lives, our health improves. See a list of several studies here. A brief look at Biophilic Design and how it plays a crucial role in the creation of resilient communities:

Smart Cities: Biophilic Design – University of Oregon (2:45 min.)

Green architecture ranges from Zen-like alt-housing structures in off-grid Nature settings to ostentatious futuristic skyscrapers in bustling megalopolises. The self-sustaining ‘Farmscrapers’ of Vincent Callebaut Architects (short video below) is a futuristic example of what a green building  complex can look like. Each ‘farmscraper’ consists of a central tower with a series of upward spiraling pebble-like sections. The concept is that each ‘pebble section’ can be customized to suit a variety of community needs. The main tower would link each section, transforming each building into a self-sustaining community, thereby reducing the need for outside travel and decreasing toxic carbon emissions. Embracing A Unique Ecoliving Green Building LifestyleThe future is a choice between Utopia and oblivion.” ― Buckminster Fuller Whether on a part-time or fulltime basis, many urban dwellers long for the peace and tranquility of being totally immersed in Nature. If you’re looking for off-grid alt-housing or simply seeking a weekend getaway retreat, then welcome to the ecoliving Dome Home lifestyle. Prefab Dome Homes offer a Zen-like ambiance amidst gorgeous nature-scapes. Dome Homes help strengthen our connection to the natural world. Their portability, ease of set-up and all-around functionality in extreme environments, make Dome Home eco-shelters a great choice that can be erected just about anywhere on this garden planet. Click here for our Dome Home Brochure

Dome Home Poem (1:27 min.)