People looking to purchase a dome inevitably ask the question, “how do I safely heat my dome home?” Here we take a deeper dive to explore some efficient heating options.
Can you put a wood burning stove in a dome?
The short answer is ‘YES’. The dome’s natural structure allows for constant airflow, requiring 30% less energy to circulate air, maintaining moderate air temperatures. We provide several options to transform your dome into a cozy refuge in the harshest winter climates.
Recently, the demand for recreational glamping, adventure basecamps and off-grid tiny home shelters has given rise to the manufacture of a wide variety of safe and efficient heat sources. Tent stoves offer various characteristics and features – shapes and sizes to accommodate numerous uses.

Types of Stoves for Dome Homes
Below are five types of stoves for heating your dome home: the energy efficient rocket stove, pellet, wood, masonry and gas. They may look similar but differ in environmental impact.
Rocket Stove Technology –There’s always a better way to heat your dome home. Developed by Dr. Larry Winiarsky, the rocket stove combustion technology of an efficient and hot burning stove can be used for cooking and heating. Using small chunks of wood or wood chips that are readily available, rocket stove field tests, demonstrated 18 to 35 percent less fuel use compared to traditional stoves – along with, a noticeable reduction in emissions.
Pellet Stoves – burn cleanly and efficiently. The pellets are made from cardboard, compressed sawdust and other wood and agricultural by-products that are more expensive than wood.
Wood stoves – now feature improved safety and energy efficiency. They produce almost no smoke, minimal ash, and require less firewood than older models. Many dome owners also connect radiant heat from the wood stove into the floor through water piping.
Masonry stoves – have long been popular in Europe. They are wood burning, large, free-standing fireplaces with a closeable firebox. The mass of the heater slowly warms up and radiates warmth into the room. They are much more efficient than fireplaces and radiate an even amount of heat over a long period of time. One heating typically lasts for hours. They have relatively low emissions because of their high operating temperatures.
Gas stoves – provide the clean burning efficiency of natural gas. You’ll enjoy the warmth and look of a fire without the pollution. Word of caution – prior to purchasing, it pays to do your homework relevant to safety and building codes.
How to Install a Wood Burning Stove
Pacific Domes offers an optional stove vent flashing and pipe cap for wood burning stove installation. This stove flashing diffuses heat, so the fabric never gets hot and it’s perfectly safe to have a blazing fire in your wood stove. The flashing fits perfectly into any of the round window openings, giving you many options for placement. The 8” diameter double-wall piping will run from your stove through the flashing and rise above your dome to perfectly shield the dome’s roof according to safety standards. The pipe cap fits on top of the stove pipe. We recommend putting tile or stone under your wood stove for safety.
A charming, compact wood burning stove coupled with the unique air circulation qualities of your dome home will create a cozy and comfortable haven. Safe and efficient wood stoves emit minimal air pollution, burning less wood and releasing less soot into your chimney!
Winter Liners
Our insulative liners are made of water resistant, easy to clean, fire retardant oxford nylon backed with a thinsulate liner that is naturally mildew and mold resistant. Easy to install and to attach on the inside of your frame, keeping your dome home cozy and comfortable. The R value of the liner is 6 and the dead airspace between the main dome skin and the liner creates a higher rating.
Our Thermoshield Insulative Paint is a non-toxic, cost effective insulation solution. It is an elastomeric paint containing ceramic borosilicate micro-spheres, a technology used on the space shuttles to prevent heat damage as they leave or re-enter the atmosphere. We recommend Thermoshield in areas with extreme UV exposure. It has an equivalent R-value of 22 because of its reflective qualities. Coating the outside of your dome with Thermoshield will keep it cool inside, while protecting the fabric from UV exposure, thus extending the life of your dome cover. The dome will remain portable even with a thick coat of Thermoshield. It is available in many colors and with your choice of a smooth or stucco finish. Please Note: Thermoshield paint will reduce light penetration.
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