Pacific Domes of Oregon, leading builders of
Geodesic Domes for use as
Dome Homes,
Portable Dome Shelters,
Dome Houses for Eco Resorts and
Geodesic Studio Domes for
Meditation and
Pacific Domes sponsored the 2011 Peace Village Festival in Ashland, Oregon at the Jackson Wellsprings.
Pacific Domes also donated two domes at the Jackson Wellsprings: a 24′ dome, which is the beautiful Goddess Temple and a 30′ dome with a blue frame, which is the Healing Dome.
The 5th Annual Peace Village Festival was a three day event with concerts, spa and mineral springs. There was a wide variety of music including Reggae, World Fusion, Rock, Folk, Kirtan, Gypsy, Latin, Funk, and Americana, all with a common goal of uniting in the spirit of peace. This years theme was Convergence Onward to 2012 and many inspiring speakers presented who are dedicated to world transformation and peace. The event also featured an Artisans’ Village with crafts and imports, Kid Village, yoga and movement workshops, a Healing Sanctuary where you can experience the work of local masseuses and healers and a Visionary Arts Exhibition. The focus was on embracing inner and outer peace and the village model in all aspects of life and community, as well as on sustainability, health, community, re-localization, celebration and on youth and elders.