Your Dome is Blessed

Paramahamsa Hariharananda , yoga dome, kriya yoga

Kriya means to act from full awareness. To keep the luminous light of Kriya Yoga burning, which had been ignited by Paramahamsa Yogananda, and to spread the message of Kriya Yoga throughout the West, Paramahamsa Hariharananda (who became known affectionately as “Baba” traveled to Switzerland for the first time in 1974. He believed that a sincere spiritual seeker who follows the path of Kriya Yoga with love and devotion and a desire for spiritual growth can attain Self-realization — even within one lifetime. preforms a fire ceremony, blessing all future domes in this 36′ dome at Houston Kriya Yoga

In 1997, Kriya yoga master, Baba Hariharananda, a peer of Paramahansa Yogananda, from the direct lineage of Babaji, blessed all future domes that will ever be made by Pacific Domes. The Sacred fire ceremony is believed to transcend time and space.

First geodesic dome tent
The first dome Asha made was in 1979, at Madre Grande Monastery in the hills of San Diego, CA

Pacific Domes was born in a yoga community and has always believed in yoga and mindfulness as a core principle. Christopher and Erene Lejeune of the Pacific Domes family, helped build the Kriya Yoga Dome in Houston, Texas and attended the retreat. Kriya Yoga is a non-sectarian practice that helps people of all religions to discipline themselves and to progress more deeply on their own spiritual path.

 Kriya Yoga is a non-sectarian practice that inspires people of all religions on their spiritual path.

Kriya Yoga Retreat
Baba Hariharananda loved teaching inside of the dome

Hariharananda, was an Indian yogi and guru who taught in India as well as in western countries. He was born Rabindranath Bhattacharya in Nadia district, West Bengal. He was the head of the Kriya Yoga Institute, United States, and founder worldwide Kriya Yoga Centers.

 Hariharananda, who became known affectionately as “Baba”, was an Indian yogi and guru who taught in India as well as western countries. He was founder of the worldwide Kriya Yoga Centers and head of the United States Kriya Yoga Institute.

Yoga Dome
Group photo of Baba’s yoga class

This powerful yoga is a manifestation of the many yogas described in the Bhagavad Gita, but primarily it derives from:

Kriya Yoga is listed among the many powerful yoga practices described in the Bhagavad Gita, but primarily is derived from:

Karma Yoga is detachment from the fruits of one’s actions in the world, and more importantly, from the inner activity of meditation. 

Jnana Yoga is through spiritual knowledge, one can become free from dualistic thinking, freeing one from worldly concerns.  

Bhakti Yoga is unconditional love is awakened by gratitude and by the joy arising from awareness of (add) the oneness with all creation, which is cosmic consciousness.

To keep the luminous light of Kriya Yoga burning, which had been ignited by Paramahamsa Yogananda to spread the message of Kriya Yoga throughout the West, Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who became known affectionately as “Baba” started centers in Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, as well as North and South America. He believed that a sincere spiritual seeker who follows the path of Kriya Yoga with love and devotion and a desire for spiritual growth can attain Self-realization — even within one lifetime.

For yoga dome inspirations you can view our dome uses

For more information on Kriya >Yoga Houston, see their website.