“This is the power of Qigong practice − to release and heal all cause and result of stress, illness and life challenges.” ― Master Mingtong Gu
Qigong workshop with Mintong Gu, Santa Fe, NM. 60′ event dome
Located just 20-minutes south of Santa Fe, in Galisteo, New Mexico, visitors coming upon the Chi Center are welcomed by the deep beauty and tranquility of this 79-acre resort, home to The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong. Barely disturbed by prayer flags waving in gentle breezes, The Chi Center summons guests to experience the power of Wisdom Healing Qigong that has transformed the lives of over 100 million people around the world!
Sound and light healing dome at Burning Man, 70′
More Energy − More Happiness
“Consciously unlock the blockages and open the flow of energy throughout the physical and emotional body.” ― Master Mingtong Gu
Based on his success, working with many physical and emotional life challenges, Master Mingtong Gu founded the Chi Center to benefit people of all ages. Sound healing is one of the fastest ways to see results and is a core principle/practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong. The intensive beginner course provides the foundation of an ancient healing practice that energizes every organ in your body.
You can improve your body and mind with a simple sound healing practice in as little as 30 minutes a day, in the comfort of your own home. These simple movements accompanied with sound can have a profound effect on your health and well-being.
Interior view of the 60′ Qigong workshop with Mintong Gu in Santa Fe, NM
Wisdom Healing Qigong sound healing practices transmit energy that is beneficial to our well-being. Mington Gu describes his own personal experience with sound healing to cure his asthma.
Why Sound? (1:58 min.)
Why Sound-Light Healing Domes?
The entire physical universe consists of vibrating sound and light. Quantum Sound Light Healing Domes vibrate in resonance with cosmic energy.
The future of vibrational medicine is here with Quantum Sound Light Healing Domes. But did you know that sound and light healing have been used by ancient cultures and Vedic traditions for many thousands of years?
30′ dome used for sound and light healing at Mystic Garden FestivalThe Vaastu architecture of meditation domes resonate with healing energy. In a Quantum Sound Light Healing Dome, one naturally attunes to the frequencies of the Universe, encouraging deep relaxation and meditation.
As a venue for this healing modality, Quantum Sound Light Healing Domes have gained popularity among therapists, health practitioners and retreat centers for the many positive health benefits of this holistic approach. And thanks to exciting breakthroughs in vibrational medicine, the list of therapeutic benefits is evolving.
Join the thousands of users who benefit from Quantum Sound Light Healing Domes by altering their brainwave patterns and transforming their lives.