Statera River Cruise – Montreal: Immersive Projection Exhibition

Montreal -Immersive Projection Exhibition Come nightfall, Statera – The 104th Island in the Sorel Island archipelago – in Montreal, Canada, lights up the night skies with a one-of-a-kind multimedia adventure extolling the virtual tale of life on the St. Lawrence River over the past 1,000 years. This large-scale immersive projection exhibition features an animated, interactive after-dark voyage where audiences can sit back and enjoy the legendary beauty of the Sorel Islands under a translucent 360° film projection dome. After much planning and more than a year of construction, the colossal 60 ft. diameter, 360° film projection dome theater made its debut in June 2018, just as the excitement of summer tourism was getting underway. The immersive projection exhibition sits on a wharf against the backdrop of the St. Lawrence River and offers a unique opportunity to experience the marvelous and mysterious highlights that form the backbone of this rich region.
60ft dome with riser wall
Dome on an 8′ riser wall
Statera – Daytime River Cruise & Islands at Night The Statera River Cruise explores historic bayou-like channels and the enthralling story of the 103 Sorel Islands by day with an invitation to experience the Islands at Night. There’s lots to discover and learn. You’ll visit the Biophare Museum, an engaging treasure trove of information about the Sorel Islands – then dive into the fascinating Lac Saint-Pierre Biosphere Reserve.
60ft projection dome with riser wall
Projections on the 60′ dome
An unforgettable evening stop-over on Statera Island is like icing on the cake with an awe-inspiring film projection account of a shared history and a shared heart with this breathtakingly beautiful archipelago. Statera – the Latin word for ‘balance’ – is an inspiring celebration of the precious balance between nature and our industrial-technocracy. Visitors are treated to an immersive projection exhibition celebrating the epic journey and indomitable spirit of the people who pioneered life in the region. You’ll be captivated and inspired by the ways through which humans have learned to balance their natural and industrial ecosystems to maintain nature’s delicate balance.     Statera is an immersive projection exhibition experience that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy. You’ll indulge your senses as the plants, animals, myths and legends of the Islands come to life before your very eyes. You’ll be asked to go on an interactive quest that will immerse you in the 4 elements of nature − water, earth, air and fire. During your virtual journey, representing each of the 4 different zones, you’ll get the chance to steer a boat between the islands, start a fire, find out what life is like for a local legend – and even cast a fishing line into the river. A magic lantern will guide you across a walkway and help you soak up the energy of the elements, so you can transfer it to the tree of life at the center of the Statera universe. Montreal-based creative studio Cadabra collaborated with the Sorel-Tracy Team to bring this world of wonder awaiting you at Statera – The 104th Island. If you enjoyed this post and want to learn more about 360° film projection dome theaters, be sure to visit our Projection Domes Gallery.