Self Sustainable-Living Dome Home

Pacific Domes of Oregon, builders of the Best Geodesic Dome Homes in the world, here in Oregon USA. We manufacture state of the art Geodesic Shelters, Tiny Dome Homes, with the best Dome Home Prices. More and more families are choosing to live sustainably. Growing their own organic food and focusing on permaculture principles. This new family farm and lifestyle is proving to be a great challenge, though it is one that this family is willing to work through with vigor and enthusiasm. They are sharing their experiences and hope to inspire others as well as to have others share their knowledge with them as well. alosha Below is a list of things they hope to focus on. COUNTRY ANTICS Anecdotes of our country adventures. ENERGY Natural solutions for energy. ECO ARCHITECTURE Low cost dwelling organisms that anyone can build, complete with DIY guides, pics and YouTube clips. ENVIRONMENTAL Understanding the Whole as One. FEEL GOOD STORIES FOR KIDS Happy, healthy stories for 3 to 9 year olds GETTING OFF THE GRID Empowering tips on how to free ones self from man-made systems. HOLISTIC HEALTH Natural solutions and preventions for healthy living ORGANIC EDUCATION Self-sustainable learning techniques alongside self-sustainable parenting PLANTING Focusing on organic food growing, permaculture and food forests WATER How nature energizes and purifies water through vortexing and wetlands ART Using Sacred Geometry and Golden mean spiral (1.618) in art and design