“Of course, Santa lives in a dome! It’s the only structure that can handle the strong winds and heavy snows of the North Pole! “ ― Pacific Domes
News Flash: Rumors of Santa’s Arctic Dome Sighting! Are they True?
After a number of years, the Santa Clause Disclosure Project has come together, once again. They’ve raised funds to erect a geodome basecamp and send an elite investigative team that will put to rest rumors that Santa doesn’t exist, once and for all! This year, the team will follow-up on rumors that Santa and his reindeer have been spotted departing from Santa’s igloo dome at an undisclosed location somewhere in the North Pole. Ho-ho-ho – don’t tell anyone!

Reports from credible sources claim that Santa Clause has been spotted by airline pilots flying low over the North Pole, Yes, Santa in his full red Christmas attire, was recently sighted coming out of his arctic dome home with a huge bundle slung over his shoulder, flanked by elves with packages in tow!
Santa Claus was seen walking over to his sleigh and setting his bundle inside, where sleigh-belled reindeer were waiting to fly. As he got into his long red sleigh, Santa was observed waving goodbye to Mrs. Claus, who stood by the entrance of the snow-covered dome. The plane’s ‘sophisticated’ radio picked up Santa’s famous, “on Donner, on Blitzen”, as Santa sped off, circling once or twice over the top of the igloo dome and disappearing into the distant horizon.
Shhh… this secret might not stay under wraps for much longer!
Santa sightings are usually labeled as top secret UFO encounters by governments around the world. Although, sightings of Santa are more common than most people realize, the general public isn’t aware of the many ‘no-fly zones’ in remote Arctic regions. Also, that pilots are heavily censored and strongly admonished to keep silent regarding UFO sightings. In other words, pilots who spill the beans risk losing their jobs and their livelihoods.
Well, you know how hard it is for us humans to keep secrets for long. It didn’t take very long before the news had leaked out through unnamed sources – WikiLeaks?
Exposing the Cover-up at Santa’s North Pole Dome
The Santa Clause Disclosure Project has been out to expose the cover-up. They have been secretly working to reveal the truth about Santa’s home base of operations in the North Pole – however, arctic weather and lack of shelter has been an obstacle in years past.

After months of preparation, the elite team has been airlifted to their geodome basecamp, where snowmobiles have been dropped off in advance. Don’t worry, geodesic domes are the only structures strong enough to withstand harsh arctic conditions up in the North Pole – consequently, the team will be protected from winter storms while they sleep, warmed by a wood stove that burns all night long.
The intruder’s presence was sensed by Santa’s trained reindeer and it wasn’t very long before the news had gone viral in the tiny dome community of elves. Mr. and Mrs. Santa stepped outside of their warm, cozy dome home to see what all the commotion was about.
Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Claus were expecting the newly arrived visitors to the North Pole (Santa can see what is happening anywhere in the world). Santa was aware that the peace-loving visitors were of no threat to his unarmed community of elves, so, Santa quickly dispatched his welcome team.
“OMG Santa is REAL! He’s a giant and has a very long white beard!”, exclaimed one of the team members, as the team stepped off the snowmobile. Santa welcomed the visitors with his merry HO-HO-HO and invited them into the dome where Mrs. Claus served hot cider and warm gingerbread to the hungry guests.
As everyone engaged in merry conversation, Santa suddenly got serious and said, “if humans are ready to give up fighting amongst themselves, I am ready to tell the world my story and why I am here… sadly adding, the true ‘giving spirit’ of Christmas has all-but-been-forgotten.” Then, because Santa does not stay sad for long, with a twinkle in his eye, he extended an invitation to come back the next day and take a tour of the Christmas Workshop dome community and learn more about what it is like to live in one of the coldest places on earth.
Tour of Santa’s Dome Community
The following day, the team arrived refreshed and eager to tour Santa’s dome village. Strolling down the avenue with Santa, the guests were amazed at how huge this dome community really was!

Peeking just barely above glistening snow drifts on both sides of the street were rows of warmly lit tiny snow dome houses where the elves reside when they aren’t busy making toys in Santa’s Workshop! And, as the guests continued to walk along Dome-Main street, they saw what looked like a huge dome at the far end… yes, indeed, this was the site of Santa’s famous 120-ft. dome workshop!
Once inside, Santa’s workshop opened to an enormous underground cavern with steps leading down to an interior workshop where another smaller dome sat right in the center. Santa said that this dome was very special and was where he could call anyone’s name and they would appear in the dome… from anyplace!
Santa wants the world to know that he and his elves are indeed REAL! Peace-loving people, especially children (because their laughter is so genuine), are welcome to visit the North Pole while in their dreams. All one needs to do, is to set the intention before going to sleep at night, that they wish to visit Santa in the North Pole and Santa will use his dome to bring them for a visit… from anywhere in the world!

From everyone at Pacific Domes of Oregon, we are wishing you and your loved ones the very happiest of holiday seasons!