New Life in a Geodesic Dome Home

Pacific Domes of Oregon, builders of leading Dome Houses and Geodesic Shelter Domes. We love to hear how our Geodesic Shelters change people’s lives, and buying your first Tiny Dome Home, an Affordable Housing Alternative to regular box construction, is one of the ways we can help you realize the American dream! Noah had always wanted to live in a dome. He admired the structure from a young age, so naturally when the opportunity arose to purchase a used 20+’ dome off of Craigslist, he couldn’t pass it up. His wife Elenore loved the idea; after purchasing the dome, they erected it on a beautiful piece of communal land in the mountains of Santa Cruz, California. After repainting the cover with elastomeric paint and touching up the decking on which the dome would sit, they used the dome as their home for a year. grow-up-wild-exterior Elenore gave birth to their second child in February of 2013. Leaning into the support of their community on the land, they went through the birthing process alone; enjoying the womb-like space of the dome. New Life in a dome In the winter of 2013, the temperatures in their area got as low as the mid-twenties. Despite these temperatures, they were able to keep their space warm with the use of a pellet stove. Today the dome is used by a bilingual outdoor camp based out of Corralitos, California.