Everyone Graduates under a Geodesic Dome!

Another member of the Pacific Domes family reaches another milestone! Proud parents with tears in their eyes watch their beloved children receive graduation diplomas inside a Pacific Domes Geodesic Event Tent. Celebrations with family and friends ( who may have traveled long distances to attend this very important life accomplishment ) will launch the freedom of summer. An all night party inside the dome with DJ’s and light shows is the reward for all of these hard-working students. The dome offers an element of freedom in of itself, a world outside of the box, the desk and computer reality. Taliesin graduates under a Geodesic Dome Pacific Domes - Burning Man Projeciton Dome Reed College in Portland, Oregon is one Campus that celebrates their graduates inside of a Pacific Dome. Their famous Renn Faire is an extravagant annual event to celebrate their graduates, it is considered one of the wildest parties of the year. Asha, founder of Pacific Domes is one of these proud parents. Her son, Talesian Namkai, graduated last weekend from Reed. Reed College Graduates-Pacific Domes