Geodesic Dome Observatory Star Gazing

Pacific Domes of Oregon, industry-leading builders of state-of-the-art Geodesic Domes and Geodome Observatories, provides the ideal space to view the stars! Ferme de Etoiles or “Farm of the Stars” Tucked away outside of a village in the South of France, this Star Farm focuses on the education and inspiration of the younger generation. Though folks of all ages are welcome and enthusiastic astronomers visit regularly, the Farm’s intent to help mold the minds of the young is the heart of their project. Situated in an ideal site for observing the skies, the plethora of resources available for star viewing are placed around the estate. Visitors are given the tools and knowledge to utilize the amenities to their fullest potential. astrobulles-night-ferme-de Located on the estate is a 620mm telescope, an impressive digital planetarium and the largest binoculars on planet Earth. In addition to the many astronomic resources, there are five 20’+ geodesic domes which they have lovingly named the AstroBubbles. Visitors have the option to stay in the domes or in private rooms within the main chalet. astrobulles-ferme-de Ferme de Estoiles is dedicated to playing an influential role in the lives of the guests who visit their outstanding venue. Their desire is to contribute to the passion for astronomy as well as the awareness of the threats our planet is facing. In their youth programs, fostering the development of a critical mind is paramount. They wish to give the younger generation the tools they need to see things with a balanced sense of wonder, optimism and analytical thought. astrobulles-interior