Leading Geodesic Dome Manufacturer Pacific Domes of Oregon built this amazing
Projection Dome for Sharpie Corporation.
Pacific Domes Corporate Event Tents are an amazing development in entertainment marketing.

Event goers are caught dancing, waving and using Sharpie Neon to customize their own carnival masks, glow sticks, top hats, and even a carousel horse could be found on the walls of the geodesic dome itself! No that is entertainment!
Sharpie arrived in style to the Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas, to show festival-goers what it means to Start Bright & Go Electric with NEW Sharpie NEON permanent markers! Inside a 30’ Sharpie dome from Pacific Domes, partiers are caught dancing, waving and using Sharpie Neon to customize their own carnival masks, glow sticks, top hats, and even a carousel horse could be found on the walls of the geodesic dome itself!
Then Sharpie took the fun on the road to L.A.’s Hard Summer…dancing in personalized style, under the dome! Sharpie’s social networks are abuzz with an electrifying conversation including Sharpie Neon pictures, videos and more!