Cedar is an integrative doctor specializing in cancer and chronic disease. He also goes by Jason Miller and is an expert on botanical medicine, a clinician, lecturer, writer, musician, adventurer and he has a dome in his backyard in Southern Oregon. He and his wife Kara, who is also a Chinese Acupuncturist, foodie, gardener and adventure, their daughters Haven (7) and their wolf dog Rune use their dome for many things! That is how the dome was dubbed Flower Power Dome, because it is rather magical how many uses it has for just one family and their community.

It is a guest house, office, music studio, weight and work-out room, play room, place to escape the kids, place to entertain the kids and at times it has served as a storage space and a changing room. The sauna stands right outside the dome, making it a convenient place to escape the cold and get ready to sweat or get dressed again.

The Millers lead a busy life and the dome allows them the extra space for so many things that fuel their days. Guests love to come stay in the dome that has a wood stove and insulative liner that keeps it warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The round screen windows allow the breeze in and keep the bugs out in summer.

The bay window looks put onto the organic flowers and vegetable garden and fruit trees as well as the zip line! You can also see the dome from the hot tub on the deck of the house. In the moonlight the white cover glows and when lit from within the dome looks like and is it’s own safe Haven, a little bubble all cozy and comfy!
Contact Pacific Domes if you would like your own Flower Power Dome!