Inspiring innovation through education, Pacific Domes mission-driven goal is to empower communities by building Community Food-Garden Greenhouses to raise delicious, locally-grown farm-to-table food. As the strongest structures known to man, our long-lasting and durable geodesic greenhouse structures are designed to withstand the test of time.

What better time to re-imagine the future of community greenhouse growing than during challenging times? Community Food-Gardens, yesterday’s Victory Gardens, are having a resurgence in today’s uncertain climate. The Victory Garden movement began during WWI when Americans were called upon to become self-sufficient and grow food in whatever spaces they could find.

“It looked like a stunt, but so many people took the movement to heart that, at one point, it’s estimated that home, school and community gardeners produced close to 40 percent of the country’s fresh vegetables, from about 20 million gardens.” — New York Times
Mitigating Social Distancing
From Social Media to local activist groups, the internet is buzzing with the benefits of creating Community Greenhouse Food-Gardens. As America begins to open up again, in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, mitigating social distancing by implementing safe, sensible physical interaction precautions affords neighbors the opportunity to bond as a community that cares and supports one another, rather than continue unhealthy, long-term social isolation practices.

The Nature Smart Greenhouse Dome
“The future will belong to the Nature-Smart ― those individuals, families, businesses and political leaders, who develop a deeper understanding of the transformative power of the natural world; and, who balance the virtual with the real. The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need.” ― Richard Louv
The American Institute of Architects calls the geodesic dome “the strongest, lightest and most efficient means of enclosing space known to man.” Nature’s perfect structure, futuristic-looking geodesic domes have heralded a new day in green-building architecture with their ability to withstand hurricane force winds, earthquakes and other extremes in nature… and, leave a light eco-footprint.

Start Your Community Greenhouse Food-Garden Today
Imagine your future food coming from a local Community Greenhouse Food-Garden, instead of having to be shipped long-distances from another part of the country or world! How is this possible? Thanks to advanced scientific research and the Internet of Things (IoT) many types of food crops can now be grown in an optimal Greenhouse Food-Garden environment.
Let’s build a sustainable future together. Pacific Domes is here to support you each step of the way. Give our Sales team a call to get started with your Community Greenhouse Food-Garden today.