Build Domes Not Walls:

Pacific Domes Supports Immigration Rights and Relief Efforts

Without a doubt, intensified militarization along the U.S.—Mexico border has created a hostile and unforgiving environment.  The National Network for Immigration and Refugee Rights reports that America’s border militarization has not decreased the amount of migrants entering the U.S., but in fact, has only increased the amount of migrant deaths. To put it into perspective, the U.S. Border Patrol recorded 6,915 human deaths along the border during an 18 year period (1998-2016). That’s approximately 384 bodies found dead every year, only miles away from manicured lawns, strip malls, and hospitals. Many relief effort groups suspect this death toll to be much higher. Investigations continue to understand how the U.S Border Patrol intentionally destroys humanitarian aid efforts and scatters groups of immigrants during apprehension (Dinsmore, 2016). One of these humanitarian aid groups under attack is called No More Deaths (No Más Muertes). Many have been following the story of Scott Warren, an American geography teacher and No More Deaths volunteer member, who is on trial for helping two dehydrated and starving Central American men near the Arizona border. In 2016, Pacific Domes donated a 24-foot geodesic dome to No More Deaths so that they could erect a medical treatment area. To the best of our knowledge, the desert clinic continues to be a space for people in dire need of medical attention. A continuing battle with Border Patrol has made it harder for the NMD camp to retain its reputation as a safe haven. It is our hope that the relief dome, equipped with beds and tall storage shelves, is still providing support for those who need it most.
relief domes, relief dome, shelter dome
The medical clinic relief dome at the No More Deaths camp in the Arizona desert. Credit: Ilana Panich-Linsman for STAT Media
One of the most predominant feelings inside a geodesic dome is that of security. It is safe to be inside of a dome. Their geometry, made up of isosceles triangles, has an even distribution of weight on every side. The aerodynamic shape of a geodesic dome keeps it protected from extreme storms, extreme climates, and apparently, extreme policies. Regardless of any social or political adversity, Pacific Domes relief domes can be used to assist those most immediately in need. Because of their portability, domes can be set up and taken down easily and quickly to provide shelter where needed.
relied domes, relief dome, emergency dome
Cots and medical supplies make up the interior of the dome
We stand in solidarity with Scott Warren and No More Deaths. Humanitarian aid is never a crime. To learn more about our relief effort domes, visit our website. For further related information: No More Deaths has released a three part report series called The Disappeared. The report details deadly methods used by Border Patrol and their consistent effort to stop humanitarian aid groups. Their shocking findings and subsequent video footage can provide further evidence for the sabotage of relief efforts along the border. Pacific Domes supports immigrant rights and relief efforts because we believe that humanitarian aid is never a crime and that immigration is what founded this country.