Best Tent Rentals: Your Surefire Event Success Guaranteed!

Best Tent Rentals by Pacific Domes Inc. “We Bring Years of Industry Expertise in Creating Spectacular Environments” — Pacific Domes Inc. Whether you’re working with an event planner or hosting your own fabulous event, tent rentals are often the best option.  Unless you’re planning on using your event tent, at least 3-4 times a year, you’re better off taking advantage of Pacific Domes rent-a-tent deals and packages for large and small event sizes. With so many designs to choose from, how do you decide which tent rental design is the right one for your venue?  Unlike pole tents, steel-frame dome tents use interlocking bars that are joined together, forming a free-standing geo-engineered work of art capable of withstanding the extremes of Mother Nature. event planning The event tent’s open circular design is free of obstructions and center poles, thus expanding the staging theater.  The inviting magic of geodesic design becomes your event’s interactive hub, bringing your guests together in an immersive arena. Light-weight & Portable Tent Rentals As an eco-friendly event shelter, you’ll appreciate a domes portability and quick installation.  The unparalleled geo-engineering strength of dome tents makes for the perfect structure during inclement weather at small or large-scale gatherings. A dome’s spacious interior encloses the largest volume of interior space with the least amount of surface area, thus ensuring a light eco-footprint.  When the dome’s diameter is doubled, it quadruples its square footage and produce eight times the volume, thus saving on materials and cost. tent rental Manufacturing geodesic domes since 1980 in Ashland, Oregon, Pacific Domes has extensive industry experience working with all event venues.  We work closely with you each step along the way to ensure that your event is a grand success.  3D Event Planning Tell your story in an impactful way with the latest entertainment and education technology.  With so many advancements coming to the forefront, you will want to rely on industry experts to guide or steer your project using the right medium. tent rentals From event planning to delivery and set-up, Pacific Domes specializes in creating artistic, captivating 3D environments and 3D décor. Together with team partners, Obscura Digital and Vortex Immersion Media,  you can count on our expert teams to develop, design and create spectacular immersive and interactive environs. An affordable option, Illumination Domes are ideal for projection.  Event planners love our Illumination Domes with their translucent Event-Lite fabric, capable of projecting images both inside and outside. Some Event Planning Tools Turn your exhibits and events into a 2-way street with crowd-pleasing tools that invite audience engagement:
  • Video has become an important tool in storytelling.
  • Chatbot technology is an interactive tool that is being used more and more in learning environments and for networking.
  • There’s many uses for the latest in AR and VR applications as a tool that delivers powerful content and messages.
Best Tent Rentals – Geodesic Domes You’ve chosen the space to host your venue and now it’s time to dream big and think outside the box.  Once you’ve picked your date and chosen a theme, you’ll want to get started and give your theme wings. Take the tour! Browse thru photos all types of events in real-time.  Pacific Domes gallery of event photos will spark your imagination and encourage ideas to flow.