Page 12 - Energetic Qualities
P. 12

36ft Dome

The 36ft Dome is in resonance with the Vedic measurements for Thiruvonam. The basic, primary qualities for this specific
wave length of Thiruvonam are as follows: This wave length assists in discerning deeper truths beyond illusionary
appearance and to part the veils of illusion to get to the kernel of truth in every situation.
It also brings “connection” between appropriate persons with one another and enhances the synchronicity of circumstances
from within the inner and universal center of knowledge, learning and wisdom. The talents and intuitive knowledge of music
and eloquence are supported and enhanced. Teaching and writing are enhanced.
The ability to “hear” beyond the mortal world exists within Thiruvonam. Spiritual transcendence and enlightenment are
supported. Kindness, charity, positive fame and recognition are natural magnetized.
Travel and study of various cultures is a natural tendency within this vibration.
Prosperity is strongly enhanced and supported. Success in material matters is enhanced through the courageous
undertaking of worthy causes which benefit humanity and all aspects of life. Moral courage is an ingredient which tends to
determine one’s material success. Such moral courage is also inherently nurtured and supported within this wave length of
light and sound.
Balanced and right action will tend to bring surprising and rich, full benefits in every conceivable way; often beyond one’s
limited thinking and imagination. To be open in heart and mind and to “let go” into the natural flow of life will support one
to discover the maximum benefits of this powerful energy wave length. This wave length supports healing and the ultimate
attainment of maximum benefits of balanced health, as long as one also lives in balance with spirit and nature. It likewise
supports the balance of the human ego and spiritual awareness. Human relationships are strongly supported to achieve
their optimal potentials: this includes both intimate and more general and community friendships and relationships, as well
as business oriented relationships. Family life with the healthy conception, birth and growth of children are blessed and
nurtured. Positive community recognition, appreciation and leadership roles are supported.
A deep connection with one’s heart chakra and thus to the soul and inner center of one’s being, is supported and enhanced.
Physic ability primarily through the feeling levels is enhanced. Empathy, divine sensitivity and compassion are nurtured. The
ability to be true to one’s Self is nurtured.
The rich, full joy of spirit is supported to fully embody, thus healing the mind of grief, fear, anger and other imbalanced or
distorted emotional contexts, filling the heart, mind, body and soul with everlasting joy which continues to fill the context of
life until all of life becomes the threshold and portal into the everlasting joy which is the only universal and eternal truth of
all being.
Instructions for aligning the main entrance door to assist in maximizing the structure’s conduction of the natural and
powerful energies of the terrestrial and celestial energy grid systems. The qualities of this Nakshatra are enhanced by
placing the Entry Door on the east side of the structure and facing 2 degrees north of true east (true east is 90 degrees angle
to true north, not magnetic north). This is accomplished by turning the entire structure until this alignment for the Entry is
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