Page 14 - Energetic Qualities
P. 14
44ft Dome
The 44ft Dome is in resonance with the Vedic measurements for Poosam. This lunar mansion, although emphasizing the
divine masculine, is also represented by the intimate nourishment of the divine feminine. The divine feminine within this
context, nourishes herself, her children and all within her sphere of influence. The divine masculine is powerful to aim for
and fulfill the ultimate goal. This goal, in part is to connect the physical life with the spiritual in practical ways capable of
also transforming the awareness of both physical and spiritual realities. Beauty and symmetry are discovered through this
wave length to represent the mind, the heart, the aspirations, as well as outward observances and expressions. Eloquence,
boldness, musical expression and abundant creativity are inherent within this ambiance.
The desire to bring true spiritual benefits to one’s self and equally to others and to ground these benefits into real physical
experience are supported here and will spontaneously liberate almost effortless prosperity and success in all such endeavors
in optimal, balanced ways. There is potential here for great success and wealth for the purpose of good works on the earth.
One’s career, business or inspired pursuits in life are supported within this ambiance to align one’s inner consciousness
with true and lasting joy and fulfillment. The ability to enjoy little pleasures as well as greater ones with equal delight is
marked. It is through the enjoyment of life that prosperity will manifest in optimal ways and potentially beyond most mental
New adventures, pioneering in worthy fields, exploration, useful inventions, are all avenues which are supported to reach
peak effectiveness and potential. Digestion of food and inner assimilation of life’s experiences, deep emotional balance and
integration between right brain and left brain are supported. Solidity of purpose and the ability to be grounded, to focus
abstract principles and the enhancement of personal dependability in various circumstances are supported.
A major relationship is established here with both Saturn and Jupiter, with Jupiter becoming the major influence. This
balanced relationship supports order, self confidence, new adventures in creativity, deep faith and fulfilment of life beyond
normal expectations. Richness and beauty in expression in the arts, music, painting and other fields of expression are
supported to excel.
An all encompassing harmonic relationship with Spirit is so deeply resonant in this wave length, that the individual is
strongly drawn to align with this heavenly musical resonance of the soul. Through inner alignment with this relationship, the
optimal potentials of the divine aspect of one’s being have an innate tendency to begin to manifest in beautiful, appropriate
ways within one’s inner and outer life. The end result for the one who is ready to integrate with this spiritual energy is the co-
creation of the optimal dharma in one’s life. This optimal dharma means literally to BECOME and EXPERIENCE the rich and
delightful potentials of heaven on earth; the highest potentials of true pleasure, joy, delight, health, fulfilling relationships,
creativity, etc.