Page 8 - Energetic Qualities
P. 8
24ft Dome
The 24ft Dome is in resonance with the Vedic measurements for Uttirattadi. This focused celestial energy and precisely
defined astrological wave length is birthed in the nuclear fires of conscious creation and through the kundalini conduit
between heaven and earth, brings forth the fertility and cosmic rain which manifests, nurtures and sustains life in its many
forms. Although emotions and desires may be very strong, they are also brought into a divine order and balance.
This wave length supports men to rediscover, rebirth and empower their divine feminine. Women who soak in and absorb
this wave length tend to reach the height of their inner beauty and outer glory as the divine feminine embodied. Such a
woman is said to be a priceless gem in any household and relationship. The “nurturing”, “giving” qualities of this cosmic
frequency make it necessary for the individual in this ambiance to be continually “Filled” with cosmic nurturing and support.
Such support is naturally and inherently supplied by being immersed in these energy wave fields.
The desire to bring true spiritual benefits to one’s self and equally to others and to ground these benefits into real physical
experience are supported here and will spontaneously liberate almost effortless prosperity and success in all such endeavors
in optimal, balanced ways. There is potential here for great success and wealth for the purpose of good works on the earth.
One’s career, business or inspired pursuits in life are supported within this ambiance to align one’s inner consciousness with
true and lasting joy and fulfillment. The ability to enj1oy little pleasures as well as greater ones with equal delight is marked.
New adventures, pioneering in worthy fields, exploration, useful inventions, are all avenues which are supported to reach
peak effectiveness and potential. Digestion of food and inner assimilation of life’s experiences, deep emotional balance and
integration between right brain and left brain are supported. Solidity of purpose and the ability to be grounded, to focus
abstract principles and the enhancement of personal dependability in various circumstances are supported.
A deep connection with one’s heart chakra and thus to the soul and inner center of one’s being, is supported and enhanced.
Physic ability primarily through the feeling levels is enhanced. Empathy, divine sensitivity and compassion are nurtured.
The ability to be true to one’s Self is nurtured. An all encompassing harmonic relationship with Spirit is so deeply resonant
in this wave length, that the individual is strongly drawn to align with this heavenly musical resonance of the soul. Through
inner alignment with this relationship, the optimal potentials of the divine aspect of one’s being have an innate tendency to
begin to manifest in beautiful, appropriate ways within one’s inner and outer life. The end result for the one who is ready to
integrate with this spiritual energy is the co-creation of the optimal dharma in one’s life. This optimal dharma means literally
to BECOME and EXPERIENCE the optimal potentials of heaven of earth; the highest potentials of true pleasure, joy, delight,
health, relationships, creativity, etc.
Instructions for aligning the main entrance door to assist in maximizing the structure’s conduction of the natural and
powerful energies of the terrestrial and celestial energy grid systems. The qualities of this Nakshatra are enhanced by
placing the Entry Door on the west side of the structure and facing 2 degrees south of true west (true west is 90 degrees
angle to true north, not magnetic north). This is accomplished by turning the entire structure until this alignment for the
Entry is obtained.