Page 26 - Energetic Qualities
P. 26
120ft Dome
The 120ft Dome is in resonance with the Vedic measurements for Revati. This dome will support wisdom, maturity and
completion. It is the Womb of creation containing the seed of new life and new beginnings. It emphasizes nurturing and
spiritual transformation. This measure is highly creative and artistic and naturally vibrates with great abundance and wealth
on all levels of existence. It holds the desire to alleviate the suffering and poverty of others. The inflow or in breath of energy
into the dome will magnetically attract great power to co-create prosperity and abundance on both spiritual and physical
levels. This abundance is vibrationally deeply grounded and anchored into the earth’s core or vibrant, living center.
Achieving true greatness of spirit and manifesting this greatness into one’s physical resonance and actions is dynamically
represented and empowered. The natural or inherent outflow or outbreath of energy attracts the greatness and intelligence
of Spirit into the physical understanding and experience. The vibrational relationships inherent within this wave length
assist in attracting and ongoing inflow of abundance and prosperity which will always supersede or be greater than the
The primary flow of energy emphasized here is in the direction of the north. This flow is from within the dynamic center of
the dome outward, in a clockwise direction, and inward in a counterclockwise direction: for this reason this energy will be
most dynamic when the center is not blocked in any way by any physical objects or structures. This direction is associated
with the terrestrial magnetic grid network which is also related to the larger celestial grid and emphasizes powerful flows of
creativity, prosperity, health, well-being and balanced (rather than purely ego related) fame or renown.
This energetic vibration is excellent for deep communications, motivate through love, via the heart. It assists in tel-empathic
communications. It also emphasizes spontaneous creativity which is in alignment with the creativity of our Higher Self. It
emphasizes service to humanity. This is the ruling wave length and vibration for this spatial measurement. All of the above
attributes will be experienced optimally within this structure when the intent is for the benefit and of positive, loving service
to others.
Instructions for aligning the main entrance door to assist in maximizing the structure’s conduction of the natural and
powerful energies of the terrestrial and celestial energy grid systems. The qualities of this Nakshatra are enhanced by
placing the Entry Door on the north side of the structure and facing 2.3 (1.5 to 2.5) degrees east of true north (not magnetic
north). This is accomplished by turning the entire structure until this alignment for the Entry is obtained.