Page 24 - Energetic Qualities
P. 24

100ft Dome

The 100ft Dome is in resonance with the Vedic measurements for Nurturing. This dome relates to lunar energies which
provide nurturing at a divine feminine level, supporting and increasing the qualities of deeper intuition, powerful and
effective speech and emotional/spiritual growth. Vibrationally these frequencies of sound and light connect conjointly with
Saturn and Jupiter in ways which support stability, self-confidence, fulfillment and transformation or new life and fresh, new
levels of creativity. The attaining of inner wholeness and one’s optimal potential destiny are supported. The qualities of this
wave form are represented by the opening of the petals of a flower. The basic circular form of the dome stimulates action
and accomplishment rather than the deep relaxation and inner renewal of a more square geometric form also designed with
sacred geometry. The circular, geodesic form is invigorating and assists in transmuting negative energy fields into positive
High ethical standards and integrity of intention and action are integrated vibrationally to support excellent success and
prosperity. Likewise the vibrating of this subtle musical instrument inspires one’s natural bliss and enthusiasm into action
and experience; these qualities interact and combine to ensure successful accomplishment of one’s goals.
The empowering and effective qualities of this dome are magnified when the entry door is aligned to face 2.3 degrees north
of true east. This alignment supports mental, emotional and spiritual health and enhances both intimate and extended
community relationships. It supports the quality of surrounding air, water and soil for health of the environment, plants,
animals and people.
The overall qualities resonate a positive and powerful integration between the human mind and the eternal spirit and will
assist in bringing one’s “less than joyous” thought patterns into the “light of awareness”, assisting in the integration of those
thought forms which no longer serve us in a positive way.
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