The original business name in 1980 was Unicorn Dome Works. Unicorns are a symbol of abundance. There were many unicorn business back in the 70s and Asha (Owner of Pacific Domes) loved unicorns!
In 1985 Asha decided to have a more universal name that was acceptable globally. Pacific Domes was born and her partner drew a beautiful asian style logo.

In 1998 we worked with a beautiful local graphic artist to create an image of the globe showing the lovely geometric nature of our planet. Our slogan was “Shelters for Freedom Worldwide.”
In 2017 We decided to make something easier to print on t-shirts. So we changed the logo to a two color graphic.

And now we have Kelly Harding our current Graphic Designer who helped us make the funnest logo yet! It is based on one of our overhead dome drawings.